But Android emulators allow us to use all these apps on PC as well. are available for Android and iOS platforms only. Games and apps like PUBG, Subway surfers, Snapseed, Beauty Plus, etc. Most of the apps these days are developed only for the mobile platform. If still problem persist then watch video which is added at the starting of this post.Tiny Thief Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop: Hopefully you will fix your problem with this quick tip. Now if you still get Download Failed error then re-install your Game and start again with above tutorial. only after placing data folder start your game. so full path would look like this Android/Obb/. now copy your downloaded folder (it should be like this ) in Android/obb/. (2) The other and best solution to fix “Download Failed Because You May Not Have Purchased This App Error” is that you must place data folder properly.First of all install the APK File and do not open it just yet. If you have a Paid App or Game then Follow the second Quick Fix. but when there is a paid game then you can not follow this Tip at all. to get the license go to play store and start downloading that game.when downloading starts you will have your license.now whenever you install that Game’s APK you will not get this error instead Data files will start downloading directly. (1) First Solution is to get that particular Games license from the play store. There are around two ways to fix this problem and get your games and Applications get going. When you install the APK File whether its recently released Bully Anniversary Edition or San Andreas and if you misplace data then it gives error that Download Failed and Resources can not be downloaded. and in 5% cases this problem happens because of Apps license problems. In 95% cases this error comes when you download APK+DATA files and you do not place the data properly. Why This Error “Download Failed Occurs on Android Games” ? Looking for Resources to download is a common error if game does not find its data files where it belongs thus it gives an error. This Tutorial also covers “Download failed because resources could not be found” There are so many users looking for the quick fix because they simply can not play their downloaded games because of this error.

Today i will be talking about “How to Fix Download Failed Because You May Not Have Purchased This App” error on Android.